About Val

Val Saksornchai


It seems almost silly to tell you my name given it’s plastered everywhere on the site, but it also seems wrong not to. So: I’m Val. Nice to meet you.

I’m a thirty-something content creator with an eclectic professional background (if you’re curious, it’s all on my LinkedIn page). But my work has always revolved around content and learning. I love writing, creating things, and teaching.

Val’s Bespoke is the culmination of my experience and expertise, to offer services I’d been providing to organizations and clients for years.

All of the services listed here are consulting services. Yes, I’m a content creator, but I believe very strongly that you should create your own content. I’m merely there to help you refine your work to reach its highest potential.

So, if you want to truly own your work and lean on my expertise to take your creation to a higher level, check out the services I offer and get in touch!